Friday, February 10, 2017

New Update to Google Slides (and a cool new feature in Docs too)

I just love Google.  It seems that every update just makes their products better and better. I love that they listen to the people using their products and make updates to requests.  It sure does make my job as a classroom teacher easier when a feature that I would like to see (and submit feedback on; because how are they going to know I want it if I don't tell them?) is added to the apps I use.

The latest update to Google Slides is the ability to add video directly into a slide deck.  This is very useful, because it eliminates having to use YouTube as a "middle man" to get videos to play.  This is helpful in my division now because YouTube access has been blocked for students (it is a bandwidth issue).  Now, I can upload my video directly from Google Drive.

Here is how it works:

Update to Docs

I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to add columns in Docs.  This was a very useful feature in Microsoft Word that I have wished Docs would add for quite some time now.  There was a work around, but it involved creating a table, then changing the table properties to hide the lines.  Well, now you can insert columns into a Google Doc without having to go through creating a table first.  Just go to the "Format" menu and choose "Columns" from the drop down.

Very useful.  Thanks Google!

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